Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pregnant again, really?

So in December 2004 we were arms full with two small children, one boy and one girl, and had just moved into our house. We had a lot of things going on. When we finally thought we had things going well, we found out we were pregnant again in late summer. We wanted more kids, but were surprised how quickly it happened since Nancy was still breastfeeding consistently. We knew there was a small chance of it, and we seem to always defy the odds with getting pregnant.

With our third pregnancy, we were like old pros, knowing what to expect and when to expect it. Nancy was again horribly sick throughout the pregnancy, and this time the doctor gave her a pump that injected her hourly with anti-nausea medicine. The day finally came for the baby, and we left for the hospital late in the night on 7 March 2006. My sister, Sriya, who lived just a mile from us by then, came over to watch Joram and Kiran, who were already fast asleep in bed. We got to the hospital and within a few hours of quiet, we progressed into labor. The nurses called the doctor and he headed our way, but in the meantime Nancy's contractions got harder and harder. Her nurse and I spent 30 minutes or so trying to keep her calm and prevent her from pushing through her numerous contractions, eventually sitting Nancy up to prevent the baby from coming.

Soon Nan's water broke and the baby was crowning, and her nurse hit the call button and yelled for another nurse to get in there quickly. If it weren't for the urgency of the situation, I would've laughed out loud at her fearfulness. The next contraction came and the baby just fell out, no pushing whatsoever. The nurse held her while I cleaned her up and within seconds another few nurses were in to take care of the baby. The doctor was soon behind them...about 20 minutes later! She was fantastic nevertheless, and all was well with mom also. We got our pictures and played for a bit, then I headed home to relieve my sister and get a good night of rest.

In the early morning after Joram, Kiran, and I got up and had breakfast, we ran to the store to get flowers and a stuffed animal and went to meet our new baby girl. Joram and Kiran loved having their new baby sister, especially Kiran, though we were still without a name. We had narrowed our list to just a few choices, and thought she would like one most out of them, but she didn't make her choice apparent to us right away. Since Kiran's name meant "ray of sunshine" we felt it right to name this little girl something to do with the night. It took a few days to finally decide, but soon we had our little Nisha ("moonlight") Rath. Nan and the baby stayed in the hospital the minimum allowed, and soon we were all home as our new family.

Nisha is the quiet one, which I am thankful for with Joram and Kiran being as talkative and boisterous as they are. With two wonderful examples to look up to, Nisha hit all of her milestones early, and we are especially thankful that when Kiran finally potty-trained earlier this year that Nisha was right there with her, and now they only wear diapers during the night. Yay! I have fun playing with my girls all day on those days that both Nancy and Joram are in school. Nisha seems to be the peacemaker as well, since Joram and Kiran have such bold personalities. Her face is closer to Joram's, and her skin color is the lightest of the bunch, but Nisha is truly a special, wonderful little girl, and for her I am truly thankful to my Heavenly Father.

Our family is now almost complete, and though we know there are still a few spirits left to join us we are as happy as can be for right now. The kids all get along, well, as much as siblings can get along, and we have a lot of fun all of us together. I love rolling around on the floor or bed with them playing "10-minute Tickle Time," which I thankfully get to do quite often with our business. All in all, we are a happy bunch, and excited for what the future holds for us.

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